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#! /usr/bin/scsh \
-e main -s
;; Reads a C source file on stdin. Comments of the form
;; /*
;; expression
;; */
;; are treated specially, and C code for the class is written to
;; stdout. Typically, the code is saved to a file and included by the
;; C source file in question.
;; FIXME: Perhaps the files should somehow be fed through the
;; preprocessor first?
;; FIXME: Turn this into a scheme48 module
(define-syntax let-and
(syntax-rules ()
((let-and (expr) clause clauses ...)
(and expr (let-and clause clauses ...)))
((let-and (name expr) clause clauses ...)
(let ((name expr))
(and name (let-and clause clauses ...))))
((let-and expr) expr)))
(define (atom? o) (not (list? o)))
(define (lambda? o) (and (pair? o) (eq? 'lambda (car o))))
(define (make-lambda formal body) `(lambda ,formal ,body))
(define lambda-formal cadr)
(define lambda-body caddr)
(define make-appliction list)
(define application-op car)
(define application-arg cadr)
(define application-args cdr)
(define (normalize-application op args)
(if (null? args) op
(normalize-application (make-appliction op (car args)) (cdr args))))
;; Transform (a b c)-> ((a b) c) and
;; (lambda (a b) ...) -> (lambda a (lambda b ...)
(define (make-preprocess specials)
(define (preprocess expr)
(if (atom? expr) expr
(let ((op (car expr)))
(cond ((and (atom? op)
(assq op specials))
=> (lambda (pair) ((cdr pair) (cdr expr) preprocess)))
(normalize-application (preprocess op)
(map preprocess (cdr expr))))))))
(define preprocess-applications (make-preprocess '()))
(define (do-lambda args preprocess)
(let loop ((formals (reverse (car args)))
(body (preprocess (cadr args))))
(if (null? formals) body
(loop (cdr formals)
(make-lambda (car formals) body)))))
(define (do-let* args preprocess)
(let loop ((definitions (reverse (car args)))
(body (preprocess (cadr args))))
(if (null? definitions) body
(loop (cdr definitions)
(make-lambda (caar definitions)
(preprocess (cadar definitions)))))))
(define (do-let args preprocess)
(let ((definitions (car args))
(body (cadr args)))
(do-lambda (list (map car definitions) body) preprocess)
(map cadr definitions))))
(define preprocess (make-preprocess
`((lambda . ,do-lambda)
(let . ,do-let)
(let* . ,do-let*))))
(define (free-variable? v expr)
(cond ((atom? expr) (eq? v expr))
((lambda? expr)
(and (not (eq? v (lambda-formal expr)))
(free-variable? v (lambda-body expr))))
(or (free-variable? v (application-op expr))
(free-variable? v (application-arg expr))))))
(define (match pattern expr)
(if (atom? pattern)
(if (eq? '* pattern) (list expr)
(and (eq? pattern expr) '()))
(let-and ((pair? expr))
(op-matches (match (application-op pattern)
(application-op expr)))
(arg-matches (match (application-arg pattern)
(application-arg expr)))
(append op-matches arg-matches))))
(define (rule pattern f)
(cons (preprocess-applications pattern) f))
(define (make-K e) (make-combine 'K e))
(define (make-S p q) (make-combine 'S p q))
;; (define (make-B p) (make-combine 'B p))
;; (define (make-C p q) (make-combine 'C p q))
;; (define (make-S* p q) (make-combine 'S* p q))
;; (define (make-B* p q) (make-combine 'B* p q))
;; (define (make-C* p q) (make-combine 'C* p q))
;; Some mor patterns that can ba useful for optimization. From "A
;; combinator-based compiler for a functional language" by Hudak &
;; Kranz.
;; S K => K I
;; S (K I) => I
;; S (K (K x)) => K (K x)
;; S (K x) I => x
;; S (K x) (K y) => K (x y)
;; S f g x = f x (g x)
;; K x y => x
;; I x => x
;; Y (K x) => x
(define optimizations
(list (rule '(S (K *) (K *)) (lambda (p q) (make-K (make-appliction p q))))
(rule '(S (K *) I) (lambda (p) p))
;; (rule '(B K I) (lambda () 'K))
(rule '(S (K *) (B * *)) (lambda (p q r) (make-combine 'B* p q r)))
(rule '(S (K *) *) (lambda (p q) (make-combine 'B p q)))
(rule '(S (B * *) (K *)) (lambda (p q r) (make-combine 'C* p q r)))
;; (rule '(C (B * *) *) (lambda (p q r) (make-combine 'C* p q r)))
(rule '(S * (K *)) (lambda (p q) (make-combine 'C p q)))
(rule '(S (B * * ) r) (lambda (p q r) (make-combine 'S* p q r)))))
(define (optimize expr)
;; (werror "optimize ~S\n" expr)
(let loop ((rules optimizations))
;; (if (not (null? rules)) (werror "trying pattern ~S\n" (caar rules)) )
(cond ((null? rules) expr)
((match (caar rules) expr)
=> (lambda (parts) (apply (cdar rules) parts)))
(else (loop (cdr rules))))))
(define (optimize-application op args)
(if (null? args) op
(optimize-application (optimize (make-appliction op (car args)))
(cdr args))))
(define (make-combine op . args)
(optimize-application op args))
(define (translate-expression expr)
(cond ((atom? expr) expr)
((lambda? expr)
(translate-lambda (lambda-formal expr)
(translate-expression (lambda-body expr))))
(make-appliction (translate-expression (application-op expr))
(translate-expression (application-arg expr))))))
(define (translate-lambda v expr)
(cond ((atom? expr)
(if (eq? v expr) 'I (make-K expr)))
((lambda? expr)
(error "translate-lambda: Unexpected lambda" expr))
(make-S (translate-lambda v (application-op expr))
(translate-lambda v (application-arg expr))))))
(define (make-flat-application op arg)
(if (atom? op) `(,op ,arg)
`(,@op ,arg)))
(define (flatten-application expr)
(if (or (atom? expr) (lambda? expr)) expr
(make-flat-application (flatten-application (application-op expr))
(flatten-application (application-arg expr)))))
(define (translate expr)
(flatten-application (translate-expression (preprocess expr))))
;;; Test cases
;; (translate '(lambda (port connection)
;; (start-io (listen port connection)
;; (open-direct-tcpip connection))))
;; ===> (C (B* S (B start-io) listen) open-direct-tcpip)
;; (translate '(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (f (lambda (z) ((x x) z))))
;; (lambda (x) (f (lambda (z) ((x x) z)))) )))
;; ===> (S (C B (S I I)) (C B (S I I)))
;; (translate '(lambda (r) (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (r (- x 1)))))))
;; ===> (B* (S (C* if (C = 0) 1)) (S *) (C B (C - 1)))
(define (werror f . args)
(display (apply format #f f args) 2))
(define (string-prefix? prefix s)
(let ((l (string-length prefix)))
(and (<= l (string-length s))
(string=? prefix (substring s 0 l)))))
(define (read-expression p)
(let ((line (read-line)))
; (werror "read line: '~s'\n" (if (eof-object? line) "<EOF>" line))
(cond ((eof-object? line) line)
((p line) (read))
(else (read-expression p)))))
(define (get key alist select)
(cond ((assq key alist) => select)
(else #f)))
(define (append-deep o)
; (werror "append-deep: ~S\n" o)
(cond ((string? o) o)
((symbol? o) (symbol->string o))
((number? o) (number->string o))
(apply string-append (map append-deep o)))))
(define (identity x) x)
(define (filter p list)
(cond ((null? list) list)
((p (car list)) (cons (car list)
(filter p (cdr list))))
(else (filter p (cdr list)))))
(define (implode list separator)
(cond ((null? list) '())
((null? (cdr list)) list)
(else `(,(car list) ,separator ,@(implode (cdr list) separator)))))
(define (atom? x) (or (symbol? x) (string? x)))
;; Variables are describes as lists (name . type)
;; Known types (and corresponding C declarations) are
;; (string) struct ol_string *name
;; (object class) struct class *name
;; (bignum) mpz_t name
;; (simple c-type) c-type
;; (special c-type mark-fn free-fn)
;; (special-struct c-type mark-fn free-fn)
;; (struct tag)
;; (array type size) type name[size]
;; Variable size array (must be last) */
;; (var-array type size-field) type name[1]
;; (pointer type) type *name
;; (space type) Like pointer, but should be freed
;; (function type . arg-types) type name(arg-types)
;; NOTE: For function types, the arguments are represented simply as
;; strings or lists containing C declarations; they do not use the
;; type syntax.
;; (method type args)
;; is transformed into (pointer (function type self-arg args)) before
;; processing,
(define (type->category type)
(if (atom? type)
(type->category `(simple ,type))
(let ((tag (car type)))
(case tag
((string object static-object simple special special-struct
indirect-special space bignum struct) tag)
((array var-array pointer) (type->category (cadr type)))
(else (error "make_class: type->category: Invalid type" type))))))
(define (type->declaration type expr)
(if (atom? type)
(type->declaration `(simple ,type) expr)
(case (car type)
((string) (list "struct ol_string *" expr))
((object) (list "struct " (cadr type) " *" expr))
((static-object) (list "struct " (cadr type) " " expr))
((struct) (list "struct " (cadr type) " " expr))
((bignum) (list "mpz_t " expr))
((simple special special-struct indirect-special) (list (cadr type) " " expr))
((pointer space) (type->declaration (cadr type)
(list "(*(" expr "))")))
((array) (type->declaration (cadr type)
(list "((" expr ")[" (caddr type) "])")))
((var-array) (type->declaration (cadr type)
(list "((" expr ")[1])")))
((function) (type->declaration (cadr type)
(list expr
"(" (implode (cddr type) ", ")
(else (error "make_class: type->declaration: Invalid type" type)))))
(define (type->mark type expr)
(if (atom? type)
(type->mark `(simple ,type) expr)
(case (car type)
((string simple function space bignum) #f)
((object) (list "mark((struct ol_object *) " expr ");\n"))
((static-object) (list "mark((struct ol_object *) &" expr ");\n"))
((struct) (list (cadr type) "_mark(&" expr ", mark);\n"))
((pointer) (if (null? (cddr type))
(type->mark (cadr type) (list "*(" expr ")"))
;; The optional argument should be the name of
;; an instance variable holding the length of
;; the area pointed to
(let ((mark-k (type->mark (cadr type)
(list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and mark-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<i->" (caddr type)
"; k++)\n"
" " mark-k
((special) (let ((mark-fn (caddr type)))
(and mark-fn (list mark-fn "(" expr ", mark);\n"))))
((indirect-special) (let ((mark-fn (caddr type)))
(and mark-fn (list mark-fn "(&(" expr
"), mark);\n"))))
((special-struct) (let ((mark-fn (caddr type)))
(and mark-fn (list mark-fn "(&(" expr "), mark);\n"))))
;; FIXME: Doesn't handle nested arrays
(let ((mark-k (type->mark (cadr type) (list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and mark-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<" (caddr type) "; k++)\n"
" " mark-k
(let ((mark-k (type->mark (cadr type) (list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and mark-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<i->" (caddr type) "; k++)\n"
" " mark-k
(else (error "make_class: type->mark: Invalid type" type)))))
(define (type->free type expr)
(define (free/f f)
(and f (list f "(" expr ");\n")))
(if (atom? type)
(type->free `(simple ,type) expr)
(case (car type)
((object simple function pointer) #f)
((static-object) (list "CLASS(" (cadr type) ").free_instance((struct ol_object *) &" expr ");\n"))
((struct) (list (cadr type) "_free(&" expr ");\n"))
((string) (free/f "ol_string_free"))
((bignum) (free/f "mpz_clear"))
((space) (free/f "ol_space_free"))
((special) (free/f (cadddr type)))
((special-struct) (let ((free-fn (cadddr type)))
(and free-fn
(list free-fn "(&(" expr "));\n"))))
((indirect-special) (let ((free-fn (cadddr type)))
(and free-fn
(list free-fn "(&(" expr "));\n"))))
(let ((free-k (type->free (cadr type) (list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and free-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<" (caddr type) "; k++)\n"
" " free-k
(let ((free-k (type->free (cadr type) (list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and free-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<i->" (caddr type) "; k++)\n"
" " free-k
(else (error "make_class: type->free: Invalid type" type)))))
(define (type->init type expr)
(if (atom? type)
(type->init `(simple ,type) expr)
(case (car type)
((object string space pointer) (list expr "= NULL;\n"))
((bignum) (list "mpz_init(" expr ");\n"))
(let ((init-k (type->init (cadr type) (list "(" expr ")[k]"))))
(and init-k
(list "{\n unsigned k;\n"
" for (k=0; k<" (caddr type) "; k++)\n"
" " init-k
(else (error "make_class: type->init: Invalid type" type)))))
(define var-name car)
(define var-type cdr)
(define (fix-method name var)
(let ((type (var-type var))
(variable (var-name var)))
(if (atom? type)
(case (car type)
`(,variable pointer (function ,(cadr type)
("struct " ,name " *self")
,@(cddr type))))
`(,variable pointer (function ,(cadr type)
("struct " ,name " **self")
,@(cddr type))))
(else var)))))
(define (do-instance-struct name super vars)
; (werror "do-instance-struct\n")
(list "struct " name
" struct " (or super "ol_object") " super;\n"
(map (lambda (var)
(list " " (type->declaration (var-type var)
(var-name var)) ";\n"))
(define (do-struct name super vars)
; (werror "do-struct\n")
(list "struct " name
(map (lambda (var)
(list " " (type->declaration (var-type var)
(var-name var)) ";\n"))
(define (do-mark-function name vars)
; (werror "do-mark-function\n")
(let ((markers (filter identity
(map (lambda (var)
(type->mark (var-type var)
(list "i->" (var-name var))))
; (werror "gazonk\n")
(and (not (null? markers))
(list "static void do_"
name "_mark(struct ol_object *o, \n"
"void (*mark)(struct ol_object *o))\n"
" struct " name " *i = (struct " name " *) o;\n"
(map (lambda (x) (list " " x))
(define (do-free-function name vars)
; (werror "do-free-function\n")
(let ((freers (filter identity
(map (lambda (var)
(type->free (var-type var)
(list "i->" (var-name var))))
; (werror "gazonk\n")
(and (not (null? freers))
(list "static void do_"
name "_free(struct ol_object *o)\n"
" struct " name " *i = (struct " name " *) o;\n"
(map (lambda (x) (list " " x))
(define (declare-struct-mark-function name)
(list "void " name "_mark(struct " name " *i, \n"
" void (*mark)(struct ol_object *o))"))
(define (do-struct-mark-function name vars)
; (werror "do-struct-mark-function\n")
(let ((markers (filter identity
(map (lambda (var)
(type->mark (var-type var)
(list "i->" (var-name var))))
; (werror "gazonk\n")
(list (declare-struct-mark-function name)
; To avoid warnings for unused parameters
" (void) mark; (void) i;\n"
(map (lambda (x) (list " " x))
(define (declare-struct-free-function name)
(list "void " name "_free(struct " name " *i)"))
(define (do-struct-free-function name vars)
; (werror "do-struct-free-function\n")
(let ((freers (filter identity
(map (lambda (var)
(type->free (var-type var)
(list "i->" (var-name var))))
; (werror "gazonk\n")
(list (declare-struct-free-function name)
; To avoid warnings for unused parameters
" (void) i;\n"
(map (lambda (x) (list " " x))
(define (do-class name super mark-function free-function meta methods)
(define initializer
(list "{ STATIC_HEADER,\n "
(if super
; FIXME: A cast (struct ol_class *) or something
; equivalent is needed if the super class is not a
; struct ol_class *. For now, fixed with macros
; expanding to the right component of extended class
; structures.
(list "&" super "_class")
", \"" name "\", sizeof(struct " name "),\n "
(if mark-function (list "do_" name "_mark") "NULL") ",\n "
(if free-function (list "do_" name "_free") "NULL") "\n"
; (werror "do-class\n")
(if meta
(list "struct " meta "_meta " name "_class_extended =\n"
"{ " initializer
(if methods
(map (lambda (m) (list ",\n " m)) methods)
"#define " name "_class (" name "_class_extended.super)\n")
(list "struct ol_class " name "_class =\n"
initializer ";\n")))
(define (process-class attributes)
(let ((name (get 'name attributes cadr))
(super (get 'super attributes cadr))
(raw-vars (get 'vars attributes cdr))
(meta (get 'meta attributes cadr))
(methods (get 'methods attributes cdr)))
(werror "Processing class ~S\n" name)
; (werror "foo\n")
(let ((vars (map (lambda (var) (fix-method name var))
(let ((mark-function (do-mark-function name vars))
(free-function (do-free-function name vars)))
; (werror "baar\n")
(list "#ifndef CLASS_DEFINE\n"
(do-instance-struct name super vars)
(if meta
(list "extern struct " meta "_meta "
name "_class_extended;\n")
(list "extern struct ol_class " name "_class;\n"))
"#endif /* !CLASS_DEFINE */\n\n"
"#ifndef CLASS_DECLARE\n"
(or mark-function "")
(or free-function "")
(do-class name super mark-function free-function
meta methods)
"#endif /* !CLASS_DECLARE */\n\n")))))
(define (process-meta attributes)
(let ((name (get 'name attributes cadr))
(methods (get 'methods attributes cdr)))
(werror "Processing meta ~S\n" name)
(list "#ifndef CLASS_DEFINE\n"
"struct " name "_meta\n"
" struct ol_class super;\n"
(map (lambda (m) (list " " m ";\n"))
"#endif /* !CLASS_DEFINE */\n\n")))
(define (process-struct attributes)
(let ((name (get 'name attributes cadr))
(super (get 'super attributes cadr))
(raw-vars (get 'vars attributes cdr))
(meta (get 'meta attributes cadr))
(methods (get 'methods attributes cdr)))
(werror "Processing struct ~S\n" name)
; (werror "foo\n")
;; FIXME: Is this really needed?
(let ((vars (map (lambda (var) (fix-method name var))
; (werror "baar\n")
(list "#ifndef CLASS_DEFINE\n"
(do-struct name super vars)
"extern " (declare-struct-mark-function name) ";\n"
"extern " (declare-struct-free-function name) ";\n"
"#endif /* !CLASS_DEFINE */\n\n"
"#ifndef CLASS_DECLARE\n"
(do-struct-mark-function name vars)
(do-struct-free-function name vars)
"#endif /* !CLASS_DECLARE */\n\n"))))
;;;; Expression compiler
;; Can't use load; it writes messages to stdout.
;;(load 'compiler)
;; Constants is an alist of (name value call_1 call_2 ... call_n)
;; where value is a C expression representing the value. call_i is
;; present, it is a function that can be called to apply the value to
;; i arguments directly.
(define (make-output constants)
;; OP and ARGS are C expressons
(define (apply-generic op args)
;; (werror "(apply-generic ~S)\n" (cons op args))
(if (null? args) op
(apply-generic (list "A(" op ", " (car args) ")")
(cdr args))))
;; INFO is the (value [n]) associated with a constant,
;; and ARGS is a list of C expressions
(define (apply-constant info args)
;; (werror "apply-constant : ~S\n" info)
;; (werror " args : ~S\n" args)
(let ((calls (cdr info)))
(if (null? calls)
(apply-generic (car info) args)
(let ((n (min (length calls) (length args))))
;; (werror "n: ~S\n" n)
(apply-generic (list (nth info n)
"(" (implode (list-prefix args n) ", ") ")")
(list-tail args n))))))
(define (lookup-global v)
(cond ((assq v constants) => cdr)
(else (error "make_class: undefined global" v))))
(define (output-expression expr)
;; (werror "output-expression ~S\n" expr)
(if (atom? expr)
(car (lookup-global expr))
(let ((op (application-op expr))
(args (map output-expression (application-args expr))))
(if (atom? op)
(apply-constant (lookup-global op) args)
(apply-generic op args)))))
(define (process-expr attributes)
(define (declare-params params)
(implode (map (lambda (var)
(type->declaration (var-type var)
(var-name var)))
", "))
(define (params->alist params)
(map (lambda (var)
(let ((name (var-name var)))
(list name (list "((struct ol_object *) " name ")" ))))
;; (werror "foo\n")
(let ((name (get 'name attributes cadr))
(globals (or (get 'globals attributes cdr) '()))
(params (get 'params attributes cdr))
(expr (get 'expr attributes cadr)))
(werror "Processing expression ~S\n" name)
(let ((translated (translate expr)))
(werror "Compiled to ~S\n" translated)
(list "static struct ol_object *\n" name "("
(if params (declare-params params) "void")
(format #f " /* ~S */\n" translated)
"#define A CLASS_APPLY\n"
"#define I CLASS_VALUE_I\n"
"#define K CLASS_VALUE_K\n"
"#define K1 CLASS_APPLY_K_1\n"
"#define S CLASS_VALUE_S\n"
"#define S1 CLASS_APPLY_S_1\n"
"#define S2 CLASS_APPLY_S_2\n"
"#define B CLASS_VALUE_B\n"
"#define B1 CLASS_APPLY_B_1\n"
"#define B2 CLASS_APPLY_B_2\n"
"#define C CLASS_VALUE_C\n"
"#define C1 CLASS_APPLY_C_1\n"
"#define C2 CLASS_APPLY_C_2\n"
"#define Sp CLASS_VALUE_Sp\n"
"#define Sp1 CLASS_APPLY_Sp_1\n"
"#define Sp2 CLASS_APPLY_Sp_2\n"
"#define Sp3 CLASS_APPLY_Sp_3\n"
"#define Bp CLASS_VALUE_Bp\n"
"#define Bp1 CLASS_APPLY_Bp_1\n"
"#define Bp2 CLASS_APPLY_Bp_2\n"
"#define Bp3 CLASS_APPLY_Bp_3\n"
"#define Cp CLASS_VALUE_Cp\n"
"#define Cp1 CLASS_APPLY_Cp_1\n"
"#define Cp2 CLASS_APPLY_Cp_2\n"
"#define Cp3 CLASS_APPLY_Cp_3\n"
" return\n "
((make-output (append '( (I I)
(K K K1)
(S S S1 S2)
(B B B1 B2)
(C C C1 C2)
(S* Sp Sp1 Sp2 Sp3)
(B* Bp Bp1 Bp2 Bp3)
(C* Cp Cp1 Cp2 Cp3))
(if params
(params->alist params)
"#undef A\n"
"#undef I\n"
"#undef K\n"
"#undef K1\n"
"#undef S\n"
"#undef S1\n"
"#undef S2\n"
"#undef B\n"
"#undef B1\n"
"#undef B2\n"
"#undef C\n"
"#undef C1\n"
"#undef C2\n"
"#undef Sp\n"
"#undef Sp1\n"
"#undef Sp2\n"
"#undef Sp3\n"
"#undef Bp\n"
"#undef Bp1\n"
"#undef Bp2\n"
"#undef Bp3\n"
"#undef Cp\n"
"#undef Cp1\n"
"#undef Cp2\n"
"#undef Cp3\n"
(define (process-input exp)
(let ((type (car exp))
(body (cdr exp)))
;; (werror "process-class: type = ~S\n" type)
(case type
((class) (process-class body))
((meta) (process-meta body))
((struct) (process-struct body))
((expr) (process-expr body))
(else (list "#error Unknown expression type " type "\n")))))
(define main
(let ((test (lambda (s) (string-prefix? "/* CLASS:" s))))
(lambda args
(let ((exp (read-expression test)))
(if (not (eof-object? exp))
(display (append-deep (process-input exp)))
; (main)